The Morgan Stanley St. James’ Cup Charity Golf Tournament made a welcome return to the Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club in Hong Kong on 6 August 2021.
The event was hosted by St. James’ Settlement, one of Morgan Stanley’s long-term non-profit partners in Hong Kong. Almost 100 participants — Morgan Stanley clients, employees, and guests invited by St. James’ Settlement — escaped their offices and the rain clouds to enjoy a day of stunning vistas, sublime golf and good natured on-course and off-course gamesmanship and networking.
“Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Asia is pleased to be the title sponsor of this event once again in support of our long-term charity partner St. James’ Settlement”, said Vincent Chui, CEO of Morgan Stanley Bank Asia Limited. “Our clients and colleagues enjoyed a very good game of golf while raising funds for children in need in Hong Kong.”
Founded in 1949, St. James’ Settlement helps underprivileged children and teenagers from low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled through its 64 service units around the city. Morgan Stanley has been its supporter for over a decade, with employees participating in over 250 volunteer projects thus far.
In addition to the entrance fee and raffle competition, there were plenty of opportunities to raise funds over the 18 hole tournament, with purchased mulligans, a ‘beat the pro’ competition and ‘one club challenges’ dotted on various holes. By the close of proceedings, the event had raised over US$120,000, which will go towards providing diverse learning resources, experiential opportunities, and expressive art therapy for underprivileged children in Hong Kong through St. James’ Settlement.