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Define Your Family’s Future with Global Opportunities

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In today’s globalised world, a growing number of wealthy Asian individuals are realising the immense value that citizenship in another country can bring, both in terms of their own wealth planning activities and their family’s future opportunities.

Take Charge of Your Family’s Future Potential

Global mobility is at the tipping point of change and being confined to a single nationality can limit your potential. The passport inherited at birth defines which countries you can travel to, which universities you can attend, which jobs you can access and where you can conduct business. At Henley & Partners, the world’s leading citizenship advisory firm, we ask ourselves: “What would happen if you combined citizenship in your country of origin with citizenship in another country? What previously unimagined future could become your reality?”

European citizenship is particularly attractive to wealthy Asian families because of the wide-ranging set of opportunities that accompany it. Asia-domiciled passports typically provide holders with limited global mobility and access. European citizens, by contrast, have the right to live, work, study, and do business throughout the European Union. The Malta Individual Investor Program and the Cyprus Citizenship-by-Investment Program for example, offer successful applicants the chance to become citizens of one of these Mediterranean island-nations and, by extension, citizens of the EU.

Malta and Cyrus Investment Programmes

The Malta Individual Investor Program adheres to the strictest due diligence standards. It is one of the most sought-after and successful citizenship-by-investment programs in the world and the only programme to be endorsed by the EU. The programme has a capital requirement of EUR 1.15 million and offers access to the world’s 10th most powerful passport. Maltese citizens enjoy visa-free access to 167 countries, including Switzerland, Canada and all EU member states.

The Cyprus Citizenship-by-Investment Program provides applicants with a compelling balance between capital contribution and the benefits they receive. The minimum investment requirement is EUR 2 million. The application process is straightforward and citizenship can be obtained in as little as six months. The Cypriot passport is the 16th strongest in the world, offering visa-free travel to 158 countries, including Hong Kong, Singapore and all EU member states.

In addition to their respective European citizenship programmes, both Malta and Cyprus offer outstanding residence programmes, as do countries such as Portugal and Switzerland. Your dedicated team of Henley & Partners client advisors will work closely with you to find the programme that is most suitable for your family’s unique situation.

For more than 20 years, our firm has helped thousands of clients realise their dream of alternative residence and citizenship. We have also helped numerous governments develop successful programmes in the residence and citizenship space. As such, we are best placed to guide you and your family through the investment migration process. Visit henleyglobal.com for more information.

This is a sponsored article from Henley & Partners.

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