Best International Private Bank Discretionary Portfolio Management
BNP Paribas Wealth Management
Best International Private Bank – Discretionary Portfolio Management

Garth Bregman
head of Investment Services Asia
What was behind the judges’ decision?
- BNP Paribas Wealth Management in 2022 achieved a record high penetration in terms of DPM into its Asia-Pacific AUM as the business reported strong net inflows, despite an overall tumultuous markets backdrop. In the view of the judging panel, this reflects the bank’s ability to nimbly identify investment opportunities, hold clients’ hands during times of uncertainty, and innovate on the product front when appropriate
- In terms of innovation, BNP Paribas Wealth Management launched a Short Duration Bond Mandate during the period under review. The product identifies a market sweet spot, given that — in addition to displaying defensive characteristics — short duration yields have risen to compelling levels in the last 12 months. The mandate has already received considerable inflows from regional clientele
- The bank has worked actively to bring more DPM offerings to not just the UHNW client base, but also HNWIs. For example, its three-year actively-managed certificates significantly lower the ticket price for discretionary mandates, while allowing for daily liquidity and asset allocation flexibility
- In key DPM offerings BNP Paribas Wealth Management was able to deliver resilient performance in 2022, reflecting the capabilities of its on-the-ground investment expertise in Asia-Pacific. For example, its Bond Opportunity markedly outperformed a number of peers, as well as most relevant benchmarks
What we said
Despite an extremely challenging year for markets both regionally and globally, BNP Paribas Wealth Management in 2022 managed to deliver resilient performance for Asia-Pacific clients in terms of discretionary portfolio management. During this turbulent period, the bank stayed close to clients and hand-held them, achieved net inflows and demonstrated its continued capacity to innovate on the DPM front, regardless of the macro-economic backdrop, said Daniel Shane, editor of Asian Private Banker.
Asian Private Banker would like to congratulate everyone at BNP Paribas Wealth Management for its richly deserved success in the category of Best International Private Bank – Discretionary Portfolio Management at the 12th Awards for Distinction.
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