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How ex-Gates Foundation veteran advises HNWIs on philanthropy

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Anthony Gao, who previously worked for management consultancy McKinsey for four years in Shanghai, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Beijing for seven years, told Asian Private Banker how his background helps him advise HNWIs in Hong Kong as head of philanthropy services, Asia, at Pictet Wealth Management.

“My passion and aspiration was always to work on something related to international development, to reduce poverty or hunger, improving health, improving education,” he told Asian Private Banker in the interview.

When Gao was studying at Georgetown University majoring in international development for his Masters’, he was inspired to work for an international organisation.

“At the beginning of my career, I realised that the philanthropic sector can also play a very significant role in promoting development. Also, I see that there is more space to grow among the philanthropic organisations. And many of the philanthropists want to do more, but they want to be better supported too. That’s why I chose to join the sector, because it’s very aligned with what I always wanted to,” he explained.

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