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Staying ahead of global market shifts

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This is a sponsored article from PineBridge Investments.

Sunny Ng
Global Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager
PineBridge Investments

Too much capital is chasing too little cash flow, and these capital movements appear to be creating waves of short-term market volatility. PineBridge Global Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager Sunny Ng, CFA, provides some insights on what investors can do to manage risks while staying ahead of growth opportunities.

Positive developments in China, including a greater-than-expected fiscal stimulus after the National People’s Congress in March and a possible easing of US-China trade tensions, combined with a cautious Federal Reserve, easing financial conditions, and strong consumer demand globally, should bode well for developed markets and support emerging market (EM) growth and asset valuations.

However, this more stable picture of the global economy is ironically greeted with greater uncertainty and amplitudes in markets. A lingering post-crisis global savings glut mixed with outsized central bank balance sheets has resulted in too much capital chasing too little cash flow. The tsunami of capital movements unleashed by each jolt of new information appears to create waves of short-term volatility that are notably disproportionate to the significance of the triggers.

How can investors position their portfolios in this environment? We believe investors need a dynamic approach to asset allocation in order to flexibly adjust their portfolios as market changes unfold, thereby mitigating risk while continuing to capture growth opportunities.

At PineBridge, our multi-asset allocation decisions are informed by the Capital Market Line (CML), which represents our five-year, forward-looking view into risk and return across the asset class spectrum. We believe the asset classes that lie near the line are close to fair value, asset classes well above the line are deemed attractive (from an intermediate-term perspective), and those well below the line are deemed unattractive.

Capital Market Line as of 31 March 2019 (USD View, Unhedged)

Source: Pinebridge Investments. As of 31 March 2019. *Productivity Basket is constituted from a blended allocation to stocks of companies that provide productivity-enhancing technologies towards growing capital expenditure intentions globally. For illustrative purposes only. We are not soliciting or recommending any action based on this material. Past performance is not indicative of future results. There is no assurance that any investment objective will be achieved. Represents the local currency view of the PineBridge Capital Market Line (CML). The CML is not intended to represent the return prospects of any PineBridge products, only the attractiveness of asset class indexes, compared across the capital markets. There can be no assurance that the expected returns will be achieved over any particular time horizon. This information may constitute “projections,” “forecasts” or other “forward-looking statements” which do not reflect actual results and are based primarily upon applying retroactively a simulated set of assumptions to certain historical financial information. Note that the CML’s shape and positioning were determined based on the larger categories and do not reflect the subset categories of select asset classes, which are shown to relative to other asset classes only

High-conviction ideas
Today, we believe equities remain the most attractive asset class, contributing to a relatively steep CML. We find select exposures in EM equities attractive, particularly China A-shares, India, Korea, and Brazil, where we see signs of positive shifts. In fixed income, we maintain our low duration stance and favour investment grade collateralised loan obligations (CLO) debt, with a tilt toward AAA tranches. In alternatives, we continue to expect copper to benefit from a recovery in China’s infrastructure spending. In contrast, most fixed income and private assets remain uninspiring.

Lingering market uncertainty challenges investors to be more agile and selective. We believe a dynamic approach offers investors the ability to have the right blend of assets at the right time. By moving between markets and asset classes and selecting attractive insights, dynamic multi-asset portfolios are better equipped to anticipate market shifts and deliver the alpha investors need to meet their goals.

To learn more about multi-asset investing, visit the PineBridge Multi-Asset Insights website.

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Last updated 4 March 2019

This is a sponsored article from PineBridge Investments.

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