This is a sponsored article from PineBridge Investments.
Over the past several months, we have witnessed two interesting phenomena in India. The first is the dichotomy between India’s macro and micro signals. The second is the outsize role of a few stocks in driving the stock market. Both offer insights into why selectivity is essential when investing in India’s equity market.
Macro and micro signals are disconnected
In recent years, India has enjoyed good macro conditions primarily led by subdued inflation, lower interest rates and commodity prices (especially for crude oil), a manageable current account, and an appreciating currency. Despite the positive macro backdrop, the micro – or the health of many Indian companies – left room for improvement, with many companies suffering from high leverage and low demand for their products. Challenging micro aside, the equity market – represented by the MSCI India Index – rose nearly 39% in 2017. This surge was largely fuelled by domestic as well as foreign flows chasing good macro but ignoring the deteriorating microenvironment.
Fast forward to 2018, and the dichotomy between macro and micro remains, but we are seeing a shift. The good macro story has deteriorated, while the microenvironment has improved considerably. Indian companies are moving forward and demand is coming back.
Below are some of the positive trends we are identifying on the ground:
- Domestic fixed asset investments have risen steadily since mid-2017.
- Capacity utilisation and industrial production have rebounded.
- The infrastructure sector is experiencing unprecedented demand.
- Bankruptcy proceedings are progressing.
At PineBridge, our investment strategy focuses on bottom-up stock picking. In an emerging market like India where risks are galore, a deep understanding of the businesses at the microscopic level helps considerably. The strength of the business model, the people running the business, and the valuation to be paid are the three most important criteria we evaluate. This does not mean, however, that we completely ignore macro trends, as we are acutely aware of important economic developments.
Our portfolio comprises companies we believe are fairly valued and likely to benefit from the recovery in domestic investment. All our companies in this space are net cash, so they should be insulated from rising local interest rates.
In terms of sectors, we are overweight exporters — such as IT and pharmaceutical companies — that are benefiting from global demand and a depreciating local currency. We have reduced our exposure to defensive sectors, such as consumer, because we view their valuations as expensive and think these companies may not be able to capture the upside in the economy.
We believe our approach to carefully select companies in this shifting landscape will allow investors to capture opportunities. More importantly, this time-tested approach, honed across multiple market cycles, serves as a built-in risk management system to mitigate the risk of permanent loss of capital for our investors.
Learn more about PineBridge’s India equity strategy at*
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Potential investors should consider the following key risks before investing in any of the Strategies mentioned:
Market Volatility Risk: All types of investments and all markets are subject to market volatility based on prevailing economic conditions. Price trends are determined mainly by financial market trends and by the economic development of the issuers, who are themselves affected by the overall situation of the global economy and by the economic and political conditions prevailing in each country. As securities may fluctuate in price, the value of your investment may go up and down.
Investment Loss Risk: Investments may decline in value and investors should be prepared to sustain a total loss of their investment.
FDI Risk: The prices of FDI can be highly volatile. In addition, the use of FDI also involves certain special risks depending on the type of FDI, including but not limited to correlation risk, counterparty credit risk, legal risk, settlement risk, margin risk, as well as other possible risks that may arise.
Equity Risk: The value of shares and securities related to shares may fall due to issuer related issues, financial market dynamics and world events including economic and political changes.
Country Concentration Risk: A concentrated investment strategy in equity and equity-related securities of companies related to the economic development and growth of India may be subject to a greater degree of volatility and risk than a portfolio which is diversified across different geographic regions.
Emerging Market Risk: Emerging markets are typically smaller, less transparent and subject to evolving, less stable political and regulatory regimes.
All investments are subject to regional, industry, market, political, regulatory, competitive, business, financial, and other risks. The risk factors described should not be considered an exhaustive list of risks, which potential investors should consider before investing in the strategy. All investment decisions should be made based on an independent evaluation in consultation with financial and legal advisors.
The source of the information in this document is from Asia Equities team of PineBridge Investments Asia Limited unless otherwise specified.
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This is a sponsored article from PineBridge Investments.