Tag: Eddie Yue

December Regulatory Round-up: HKMA raises banks’ awareness of climate risks; HK, S’pore regulators join forces in curbing ramp-and-dump schemes; Singapore and China widen financial cooperation

Banks roll out services for “game changer” WM Connect scheme after HKMA nod

September regulatory round-up: WM Connect and Southbound Bond Connect launched; International FIs expand in China; HK and S’pore regulators issue SPAC listing rules

HKMA designates 13 market makers for Southbound bond trading scheme

Southbound Bond Connect marks new milestone for cross-boundary trading

GBA Wealth Management Connect scheme to launch in “execution-only” model

HKMA highlights key actions for Regtech adoption by 2025

HKMA rolls out Fintech 2025 strategy to drive all-round tech adoption by banks

April Regulatory Round-up: MAS fines J. Safra Sarasin for AML breaches; HKMA praises banks on AML info sharing; Absence of wealth tax in SG is key draw for U/HNWIs

HKMA praises banks for “satisfying results” in times of social unrest and pandemic

Emerging from COVID-19 in flying colours? – A recap of China themes in 2020

Northbound Bond Connect success spawns study of Southbound channel: HKMA’s Eddie Yue

May Regulatory Round-up: Regulators come to the defence of Hong Kong; HKMA reviews incentive structures; Increased demand for fully remote onboarding

HKMA halves countercyclical capital buffer to encourage lending to SMEs

Hong Kong’s monetary and banking system can weather COVID-19 outbreak: HKMA

PBoC pledges sufficient liquidity to maintain the smooth operation of China’s banking system

Regulatory trends in 2019

Banking system remains “robust and sound” despite significant downside risks: HKMA

HK’s banking industry is more safe and resilient than ever: Norman Chan