Tag: Rodolphe Larqué

Interplay of funds and structured products best captures thematic opportunities: PBs

China managers “too concentrated” on key themes and investment styles: William Ma of Noah Holdings

Income strategies still capture the most net assets, despite major outflows in March

Thematic mandates with household names no longer sufficient for DPM clients

Credit Suisse reveals the latest high conviction products for APAC

HNWI demand for bond funds returns, but not yet to pre-COVID levels

Credit Suisse PB achieves “record levels” of managed solutions penetration

Julius Baer raises US$450 million in seven days for FMP solution in Asia and Middle East

Credit Suisse reopens FMP for two months, raises US$500 million from its Asia private clients

Hedge funds vs liquid alts: the PB debate continues

Bank of Singapore shaves HY exposure in balanced mandate by 2pp

CS warns clients of concentration risks in subordinated debt funds